Trying to get a good night’s sleep when your partner snores can seem like an impossible feat. Snoring is a fairly common problem that can lead to relationship strife and sleepless nights. Sleep is vital for your health and wellbeing, so finding a solution is likely high on your priority list. Luckily, there are several things that you can do to reduce, and even stop your partner from snoring so that you can get more quality sleep.
Here are 10 tips to help your partner stop snoring:
1. Roll your partner over.
When you lie on your back, the base of your tongue collapses against the back wall of your throat, which can lead to snoring. Try gently rolling your partner over on their side. Wedging a pillow against their back will keep them from rolling on to their back again. Some snorers even go to extreme lengths to prevent snoring and will sew a tennis ball to the back of their night-shirt.
2. Invest in a larger bed.
When your space is limited, snoring can be even more frustrating. Getting a larger bed can help you both sleep better.
3. Change your pillows.
Allergy sufferers are often snorers. To keep nasal passages from getting congested, dust regularly and change your pillows every six months. Using a larger pillow will elevate your partners head, helping keep airways open to stop snoring.
4. Wear earplugs.
If you are looking for an inexpensive and effective way to handle snoring, try wearing earplugs.
5. Have your partner skip the nightcap.
Late meals and alcohol all increase snoring. Your body is already relaxed during sleep and alcohol or a full stomach can cause throat muscles to relax further, causing the tongue to block the airway. Certain medications, such as sleeping pills, muscle relaxers and antihistamines also have the same effect.
6. Get a new mattress.
A comfortable mattress can help you sleep well, even when you’re next to a snorer.
7. Hang blackout curtains.
Limiting distractions can help you enjoy a full sleep cycle. Blackout curtains keep the light, and the noise, out of your bedroom.
8. Try white noise.
A white noise machine provides neutral sound, which muffles snoring. White noise apps are also available for smartphones.
9. Ask your partner to take a shower.
Taking a long, hot shower helps to open nasal passages, which helps snorers breathe easier. Breathing in steam from a cup of boiling salt water also does the trick.
10. Encourage your partner to seek treatment.
Snoring is more than a nuisance. It can be a sign of a serious health problem. Many snorers suffer from sleep apnea, a medical condition that causes shallow breathing or pauses in breathing while sleeping. These pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes.
If you suspect that your partner has a sleep disorder, it’s important for them to get treatment. Lack of sleep is, itself, a problem. Along with high blood pressure, heart problems and type 2 diabetes, a higher risk of accidents and productivity can also stem from lack of sleep. Fortunately, there are solutions which can reduce and even eliminate snoring.
Consulting with a board-certified otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) is the best way to find the underlying cause of snoring. Many sleep apnea sufferers choose non-invasive treatments, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy or mouth guards. Advances in medical technology have also opened the door for more permanent, minimally invasive procedures, such as balloon sinuplasty, Palate Coblation and the Pillar Procedure. Your partner’s doctor will discuss treatment options and develop an individualized plan to fit their needs.
Take the first step by asking your partner to take our Berlin Diagnostic Quiz to find out how severe the snoring problem is, and if sleep apnea is a potential cause. If apnea is the cause you can try the . To make an appointment with a board-certified otolaryngologist, your partner should contact the specialists at eos sleep. Get back on the road to healthy sleep and help your partner stop snoring by following these tips and finding the right treatment.
Schedule an appointment at one of our New York offices.