What’s the Deal with a Home Sleep Study?

Man in 40's lying on bed doing a sleep study is a patient in room with medical equipment measuring pulse, sleep patterns, etc It’s estimated that about 24 million Americans live with sleep apnea, but most have no idea they have it. But when the symptoms of sleep apnea such as daytime drowsiness and waking with a headache or a dry throat finally dictate attention, that’s when Dr. Volpi gets a call at eos Sleep. 

Once Dr. Volpi sees a patient, it’s common for him to have the patient conduct a home sleep study at the start of the process. Here’s what’s involved with a home sleep study. 

What is a home sleep study? 

Home sleep studies are one of the diagnostic tools used with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Also called “unattended sleep studies,” these tests are done at your home without supervision. This is in contrast, of course, to going to a sleep center for a sleep test. 

Most home sleep test devices are portable — about the size of a telephone headset. 

What is measured in a home sleep study? 

When Dr. Volpi puts you on a home sleep study, he’s looking to gather specific biological parameters to give him insight into whether you have OSA. Here are the factors measured and the devices that collect the data. 

  •     Nasal and oral airflow — A thin wire is taped by your nose and mouth to monitor airflow throughout the night. Some sensors look like an oxygen cannula.
  •     Respiratory effort — With elastic belt bands placed across your chest and abdomen, data is collected on your respiratory effort.
  •     Oxygen levels — A small, clip-like device called an “oximeter finger probe” attaches to your fingertip and emits a red light that assists in the evaluation of oxygen levels in your blood while sleeping.

What are the advantages of a home sleep study? 

Not all our eos Sleep patients are good candidates for a home sleep study. But if you are, there are some nice advantages to these tests, rather than heading to a sleep lab. 

  •     Convenience — Doing these tests in the comfort of your own bed are obviously much more convenient than driving to a sleep center for a test such as polysomnography. Sleep centers involve tests with more equipment, and it can be uncomfortable and difficult for a person to actually sleep. Home sleep studies avoid many of these problems.
  •     Inexpensive — Without any outside facility and accompanying staff, home sleep studies are much more cost effective.
  •     Less intrusive — Home sleep studies only use three easy-to-use equipment pieces that are not very intrusive.

Do you wonder if you’re suffering from sleep apnea? Give Dr. Volpi a call at eos Sleep, (212) 873-6036, and set up a consultation.

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What Happens in a Consultation?

.01  Meet Dr. David O. Volpi, MD
.02  Discuss your sleep issues & what we need to achieve
.03  Learn about our plan to get you a good night’s rest

“The consultation was wonderful. I felt like Dr.Volpi was really trying to get to know me, and what I wanted.”


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