Tonsillectomy or Tonsil Removal Surgery in NYC & Park Avenue, NY

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What is a tonsillectomy?

A tonsillectomy is an outpatient surgery that removes enlarged tonsils to open up the airway and provide relief from symptoms of snoring and sleep apnea. Enlarged tonsils in adults may obstruct the airway during sleep, as well as cause difficulty during normal breathing or eating. Although the tonsils play a part in the function of the immune system, studies have shown that removing tonsils does not negatively affect an individual’s immune system. A tonsillectomy is typically done in an outpatient surgery center under general anesthesia.

Patient Testimonial

“Met with an eos sleep-recommended doctor for my snoring problem. He was very comforting and recommended a home sleep study. Turns out I do have sleep apnea so I went back for surgery and now I am cured! Thanks eos!”

– Susan R.

When is a tonsillectomy needed?

A tonsillectomy is performed by ear, nose, and throat specialists at eos sleep to treat:

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What to expect during tonsillectomy surgery

Patients undergoing tonsillectomy surgery are first given a general anesthesia to keep the procedure as painless as possible. The doctor will then depress (or push down on) the tongue in order to see into the throat. The tonsils are then carefully removed using specialized medical instruments. The entire surgery is over within 30 to 45 minutes.

What are the benefits of having a tonsillectomy?

Benefits of tonsillectomy surgery include:

  • Continued relief from airway obstruction
  • Improved sleep quality or decrease in ear, nose and throat illnesses
  • Tonsillectomy in adults shows relief within 7 to 10 days after surgery
  • Decreased snoring
  • Reduced symptoms of sleep apnea caused by enlarged tonsils in adults

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are suffering from tonsil-related health problems and believe you may benefit from tonsillectomy surgery, the first step is to consult with an ear, nose, and throat expert. Specialists at eos sleep have extensive experience in treating sleep apnea with minimally invasive procedures. Call 212.873.6036 today or fill out the form on this page to schedule an appointment or to learn more about eos sleep treatment options.

Request an Appointment

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What Happens in a Consultation?

.01  Meet Dr. David O. Volpi, MD
.02  Discuss your sleep issues & what we need to achieve
.03  Learn about our plan to get you a good night’s rest

“The consultation was wonderful. I felt like Dr.Volpi was really trying to get to know me, and what I wanted.”


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