Snoring from a Stuffy Nose?

When you have a cold or an allergic reaction that causes your sinus passages to become inflamed and clogged, breathing through your nose becomes difficult and uncomfortable, especially at night.

Here are 5 tips to ease your snoring:

  1. Sleep on your side.

    Snoring occurs when your tongue drops to the back of your throat when the muscles relax, which causes a vibration that makes noise. Sleeping on your side as opposed to your back will help prevent that.

  2. Elevate your head.

    By using an extra pillow, your sinuses can drain, and congestion will not pool in your nasal passages as much as it would if you sleep flat on one pillow.

  3. Run a humidifier while you sleep.

    This will keep the air moist.

  4. Avoid antihistamines that contain a sedative, as well as alcohol and sleeping pills.

    These relax the upper airways, causing an increased airway resistance and snoring.

  5. Before bed use menthol rub on your chest and apply directly under your nose.

    This will help keep your nasal passages clear.

It is important to try and keep your nasal passages open, especially if snoring starts in your nose. It allows air to move through slower. If your nose is clogged or narrowed due to a cold or other blockage, the fast-moving air is more likely to produce snoring. A hot shower before you go to bed can help to open nasal passages. Another good tip is to keep a bottle of saltwater rinse in the shower to rinse your nose out while you’re showering to help open up passages. A neti pot may also be used to rinse out the nasal passages with a salt-water solution. Home remedies like these can be surprisingly very effective to clear your nasal passages and help you to breathe easier.


In order to get enough oxygen when you’re asleep, your body’s natural reaction is to breathe through your mouth, which commonly causes snoring. Unfortunately, snoring can prevent you from getting a full restful night of sleep, so important, especially when your body’s immune system is fighting a cold. In addition, snoring can acerbate soreness in your throat, and cause it to be dryer and feel scratchier. Make sure you get enough sleep so you can get healthy faster, by getting to bed earlier than usual and resting when you need to.

A stuffy nose is not always the primary reason for your snoring.  Snoring can also be a warning sign or a symptom of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), which is a temporary lapse in breathing that occurs during sleep.

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.01  Meet Dr. David O. Volpi, MD
.02  Discuss your sleep issues & what we need to achieve
.03  Learn about our plan to get you a good night’s rest

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