Benefits of Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea

If you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, you should not ignore the diagnosis or the suggested treatment options. Sleep apnea can be detrimental to your health in many ways, and there can be significant health (and mental health) benefits to be gained from treating obstructive sleep apnea.

Sleeping Well Is Good for Your Health

Because sleep apnea causes you to wake throughout the night – 60 to 90 times an hour for some patients – your sleep patterns are severely disrupted. But getting enough sleep is paramount to good health. Good sleep, 7-9 hours a night, results in improved cognitive function, reduced stress, and lower blood pressure.

Better Blood Sugar

If you have diabetes, sleep apnea can aggravate your ability to manage your blood glucose levels. Treating sleep apnea is also one of the most effective ways of preventing Type 2 diabetes, as lack of sufficient sleep throughout the night can make you more resistant to insulin.

Reduced Risk of Depression

One of the less-discussed symptoms of sleep apnea is depression. There is a direct relationship between sleep disruption and depression – the worse the sleep disturbances, the worse the rate of depression.

Reduced Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke

People with sleep apnea are nearly three times as likely to suffer from high blood pressure than people who are able to sleep through the time. Strokes, according to several studies, are more than four times more likely in people with sleep apnea.

Treating Sleep Apnea Can Save Your Life

Treating sleep apnea reduces your mortality rate. People with sleep apnea are at risk of dying at almost three times the rate of those who do not have sleep apnea. Treating your sleep apnea so that you can get a solid night’s sleep may literally save your life.

The sleep medicine doctors at eos sleep are committed to providing patients in New York City and other parts of the country with minimally invasive treatment options for sleep apnea and snoring especially with . eos sleep is home to leading experts in sleep medicine, offering treatments that are customized to each unique patient and condition.

For more information about snoring and sleep apnea treatment options, click on the buttons below. Fill out the form on this page or call 1-212-873-6036 today to learn more about eos sleep services or to book an appointment.

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.01  Meet Dr. David O. Volpi, MD
.02  Discuss your sleep issues & what we need to achieve
.03  Learn about our plan to get you a good night’s rest

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